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Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks Writing Club

A guide for students participating in the CSU writing club using the text Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks by Wendy Laura Belcher.

Week 8: Opening & Concluding Your Article

  1. What is your title currently? Is it specific enough? Is it clear what you are arguing?
  2. Is there a verb in your title?
  3. Does your title include important keywords?
  4. Does your draft open with a gripping sentence or paragraph?
  5. Where have you initially stated your argument and findings? Is it early enough in the article?
  6. Where have you articulated the significance of your article?
  7. Can someone else read your draft and accurately tell you what the article is about and why it's important?

If you're using the 2nd edition of the text, see the chapter for Week 10.

  • Revise your title.
  • Revise your introduction.
  • Revisit your abstract and literature review.
  • Revise your conclusion.

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