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Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks Writing Club

A guide for students participating in the CSU writing club using the text Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks by Wendy Laura Belcher.

Week 1: Designing Your Plan for Writing

  1. Why are you interested in writing an academic article?
  2. What emotions do you typically associate with writing? What feelings come up when you think about writing?
  3. What positive experiences do you have with writing and what made them positive?
  4. Where do you prefer to write? Do you like quiet or loud settings? Are you easily distracted?
  5. What is your preferred writing schedule?
  6. What obstacles from Belcher's book resonate with you most? (pp 26-38)
  • Choose a text to revise.
  • Pick a regular writing location.
  • Set up a regular writing schedule.
  • Identify your own writing obstacles.
  • If helpful, document how you spend your time.

Keys to Success in Writing

  1. Write consistently.
  2. Read the work of others.
  3. Include others in your writing.
  4. Persist through rejection.
  5. Follow your passion.

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