What journals might be especially suitable for your article?
What type of journal will work best for your article?
Have your colleagues or professors recommended any specific journals? Have any journals come up often in your citations?
What questions might you have for a managing editor of a journal you're interested in?
What page or word limits does this journal have? How much will your journal need to be revised to meet these requirements?
Search for appropriate journals for your article. Ask your advisor and professors, look through your citations, search the databases, or ask a librarian for help.
Evaluate the journals you find using the Journal Review Form. (p 127)
Read through several relevant journals.
Write a query letter to the editors of one or more journals you're considering.
Make a final decision about which journal you'd like to publish in. Have 1-2 back-ups in mind.
Questions to Ask When Evaluating a Journal
Is it peer-reviewed?
Does it have a good reputation?
How long has it been around?
Is it carefully produced?
Is it published regularly and on time?
Are the authors diverse?
Where is the journal indexed?
Does your style match the journal's style?
How quick is the turnaround time for submitted articles to be reviewed & published?