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Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks Writing Club

A guide for students participating in the CSU writing club using the text Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks by Wendy Laura Belcher.

Week 10: Editing Your Sentences

  1. What common micro-level writing issues have you had with previous writing?
  2. What micro-level writing issues are you especially interested in catching and fixing?
  3. What micro-level revision strategies have worked well for you?

If you're using the 2nd edition of the text, see the chapter for Week 11.

  • Carefully review your draft for micro-level writing issues. (pp 254-258)
  • Revise your article based on your review.
  • Review the style guidelines of your target journal and ensure you are following them.

Basic Tenants of Good Academic Writing

  1. "Don't use two words when one will do.
  2. Don't use a noun when you could use a verb.
  3. Don't use an adjective or adverb unless you must.
  4. Don't use a pronoun when a noun would be clearer.
  5. Don't use a general word when you can use a specific one.
  6. Don't use the passive voice unless the subject is unknown or unimportant."

--Belcher, pp 238-239

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