The online documentation for using CONTENTdm is available on OCLC's website.
The Head of Collections and Digital Initiatives can set up project settings and a metadata template for your project when you begin a new collection.
Getting to Your Collection
1. Go to this URL:
2. Sign in with username and password.
3. Click on green Collection Tab, select your collection, make sure to click on Change button.
Adding Items
You can add items one at a time through the CONTENTdm Administration web interface.
1. Click on Item Tab, click on Add.
2. Add only JPEGs to collection (largest side 600 pixels, resolution, 72 dpi).
3. Browse and find the file to attach.
4. Fill out the metadata form on the page. Fields with controlled vocabularies have a link that will generate the list of terms. Search the list with Ctrl-F, and then copy and paste terms into the field. Terms should be separated with a semicolon, followed by a space. For example:
Subject: Houses; Dwellings; Main Street (Avon Lake, Ohio)
5. When finished filling out form, select "Use CONTENTdm thumbnail" and then click on "add" to add item to the collection. The item is then added to the pending queue.
6. To view the pending queue, click on approve under the Item Tab. You may review the item metadata by clicking on "edit" or you can approve the item right away.
7. To make approved items live in Cleveland Memory, click on index under the Item Tab and then click on the button, "index now."
Adding New Terms to Controlled Vocabularies
1. Click on green Collection Tab, then click on fields.
2. To manage controlled vocabularies, click on "edit" for the field to which you want to add new terms.
3. Then, click on the link, "Administer controlled vocabulary."
4. You can add and delete terms from the the controlled vocabulary but make sure to "Browse" the list before adding new terms. Also check the guide to see what thesaurus is used for new terms. For example, for object type, we use terms from the Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus. For new subject terms, we check first.
5. For subject terms that are local to a city, you may want to qualify it with the city and state. Examples include: Main Street (Akron, Ohio); Square, The (Medina, Ohio); Town Hall (Cleveland Heights, Ohio).
Editing Items in CONTENTdm
Editing items in CONTENTdm is very similar to adding an item to CONTENTdm. Click on edit under the Item Tab.
1. Search for the item you want to edit or use the "browse collection" link to see items in the collection to edit.
2. Once you see the item you want to edit, click on the "metadata" link to get to a form where you can review and edit the metadata for the item. Make the changes and then click "save changes."
3. Index the collection to make the changes visible to the public. Click on index under the Item Tab and then click on the button, "index now." Once the indexing is complete, the changes will be visible to the public.
When Items are Locked in CONTENTdm
Items are locked in CONTENTdm when they are being edited in a Project Client or if an item has been edited, but the collection has not yet been indexed to make the changes permanent. Follow these directions to unlock items that you may want to edit.
1. Index the collection, i.e., click on index under the Item Tab and then click on the button, "index now."
2. After indexing is complete, check to see if the item is unlocked by clicking on lock administration under the Item Tab.
3. If item is still unlocked and you are sure it isn't being edited or added to CONTENTdm through a Project Client, click on "unlock" for the item you want to unlock under lock administration.