Early History:
The earliest inhabitants of Cuba are believed to be the Guanahatabey, Ciboney and Taíno people. It is thought that they had come from South America around 500 A.C. But like in the other Caribbean islands that where colonized, much wasn't learned from these people as they would get killed, would die to disease brought from the Spaniards or would die from the shock of conquest.
The name Cuba is pre-Hispanic in origin and its exact derivation is Unknown.
In 1492 Christopher Columbus lands on Cuba, subsequently the Spanish invasion follows.
After Cube gets colonized several historic stages unfold before Cuba achieves a self-government system. These being:
- The Spanish Rule Era (1400s - 1600s)
- Sugarcane and the Growth of Slavery Era (1700s)
- Occupation by the United States Era (1800s)
- The Republic of Cuba Era (Early 1900s)
Modern History:
In the Mid 1900s (The Castro Regime Revolution Era beginnings) Cuba undergoes political changes that enable the country to be independent.
The language spoken in Cuba is Spanish.