Assistant College Lecturer
Department of Theatre and Dance
Course: THE 111 - Introduction to Theatre
OER used: Theatrical Worlds by Charles Mitchell
OER Co-Created with Students (new publication each year): Introduction to Theatre - Learning Resources
Faculty Winner’s Impressions:
Why did you decide to apply for the Textbook Affordability Grant?
The textbook I was using for my course, Introduction to Theatre, was over $100.00 used and students just weren’t buying it and I didn’t blame them! I knew that the sources for this course were out there, I just didn’t know where to look.
How did the project process go? What advice do you have for other faculty considering applying for a Textbook Affordability Grant?
Everyone was so helpful and generous with their time and expertise. I was not only able to adopt an open textbook, but I enhanced my classes with open education resources.
A project like this takes time and energy, so be sure to use the help and services that people offer you. There are things available to help you teach a great class that will blow your mind!
What were the results of your project on student engagement and academic achievement?
This saves my students approximately $25,000 every academic year. My students are better prepared because they have the book and I can teach more efficiently because I know everyone has the material. The success rates in my course are now consistently over 90% (C or higher) and students frequently take additional theatre courses because they had such a good experience. It really is a win-win situation.