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Michael Schwartz Library

CSU Affordability Advocates

A guide to highlight the amazing course material affordability champions on our campus.

Affordability Advocate

Brian Ray

Brian Ray

Director, Center for Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection; Leon and Gloria Plevin Professor of Law

CSU College of Law

Course: LAW 720 

Annual student savings: $2,500


Faculty Winner’s Impressions:

Why did you decide to apply for the Textbook Affordability Grant? 

I was developing an innovative new course on electronic discovery and did not want to structure it using traditional casebooks which are very expensive and focus primarily on the law rather than the practice.

How did the project process go? What advice do you have for other faculty considering applying for a Textbook Affordability Grant?

​It's very time consuming to create original materials, especially when you're not following a standard template, so I'd recommend doubling the amount of time you think you need. That said, it's very satisfying to end up with a product that's precisely what you want for a course.

What were the results of your project on student engagement and academic achievement?

​Students seemed to like the materials for the most part and definitely appreciated the hands-on nature of the course, which was different from most of their other courses.