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Citing Sources & Avoiding Plagiarism

How to avoid plagiarism and cite sources correctly.

Style Manuals

How to use these examples

In the Author-Date or "Reference List" format of Chicago or Turabian Citation Style, sentences with material from another source (quoted or paraphrased) are cited immediately afterward with a parenthetical citation (format is listed as P below), as well as a citation in the "works cited" or bibliography at the end of the paper (format is listed as R below).

P = Parenthetical in-text

R = Reference entry (Work Cited / Bibliography)


Basic Format

R: Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. Date of Publication. Title of book: Subtitle of book. Place of Publication: Publisher's Name.

P: (Author's Last Name Date of Publication, XX-XX)

Example - One Author

R: Allison, Anne. 2000. Permitted and prohibited desires: Mothers, comics, and censorship in Japan. Berkeley: University of California Press.

P: (Allison 2000, 149-150)

Chicago/Turabian Author-Date Citation Quick Guide

Journal Articles

Journal Article in Print

R: Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. Date of Publication. Title of article: Subtitle of article. Title of Journal Volume Number (Additional Date Information): YY-YY.

P: (Author's Last Name Date of Publication, XX-XX)

Example - Journal Article in Print

R: Nayar, Pramod K. 2005. Marvelous excesses: English travel writing and India, 1680-1727. Journal of British Studies 44, no. 2 (April): 213-38.

P: (Nayar 2005, 213)

Journal Article Online

R: Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. Date of Publication."Title of article: Subtitle of article."Title of Journal Volume Number (Additional Date Information). Accessed Date of Access. URL or doi.

P: (Author's Last Name Date of Publication, XX-XX)

Example - Journal Article Online

R: Brown, Campbell. 2011. “Consequentialize This.” Ethics 121, no. 4 (July): 749–71. Accessed December 1, 2012.

P: (Brown 2011, 752)

Chicago/Turabian Author-Date Citation Quick Guide

Web Sources


R: Google. 2009. “Google Privacy Policy.” Last modified March 11.

P: (Google 2009)

Chicago/Turabian Author-Date Citation Quick Guide