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Racial Justice and Anti-Racism Resources

A selection of resources about racial justice and anti-racist actions.

What is implicit bias?

Implicit bias occurs when we "act on the basis of prejudice and stereotypes without intending to do so" -- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy


Bias Book Cover

Biased: uncovering the hidden prejudice that shapes what we see, think, and do

From one of the world's leading experts on unconscious racial bias come stories, science, and strategies to address one of the central controversies of our time. Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt offers us the language and courage we need to face one of the biggest and most troubling issues of our time. 

Making the Cut: hiring decisions, bias, and the consequences of nonstandard, mismatched, and precarious employment

An in-depth look at how employers today perceive and evaluate job applicants with nonstandard or precarious employment histories Millions of workers today labor in nontraditional situations involving part-time work, temporary agency employment, and skills underutilization or face the precariousness of long-term unemployment. To date, research has largely focused on how these experiences shape workers' well-being, rather than how hiring agents perceive and treat job applicants who have moved through these positions. Shifting the focus from workers to hiring agents, Making the Cut explores how key gatekeepers--HR managers, recruiters, and talent acquisition specialists--evaluate workers with nonstandard, mismatched, or precarious employment experience. Factoring in the social groups to which workers belong--such as their race and gender--David Pedulla shows how workers get jobs, how the hiring process unfolds, who makes the cut, and who does not. 

Racism: a Very Short Introduction

There is often a demand for a short, sharp definition of racism, for example as captured in the popular formula Power + Prejudice= Racism. But in reality, racism is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon that cannot be captured by such definitions. In our world today there are a variety of racisms at play, and it is necessary to distinguish between issues such as individual prejudice, and systemic racisms which entrench racialiazed inequalities over time. This Very Short Introduction explores the history of racial ideas and a wide range of racisms - biological, cultural, colour-blind, and structural - and illuminates issues that have been the subject of recent debates. Is Islamophobia a form of racism? Is there a new antisemitism? Why has whiteness become an important source of debate? What is Intersectionality? What is unconscious or implicit bias, and what is its importance in understanding racial discrimination? Ali Rattansi tackles these questions, and also shows why African Americans and other ethnic minorities in the USA and Europe continue to suffer from discrimination today that results in ongoing disadvantage in these white dominant societies. 

The Diversity Style Guide

A companion to the online resource of the same name, The Diversity Style Guide raises the consciousness of journalists who strive to be accurate. Based on studies, news reports and style guides, as well as interviews with more than 50 journalists and experts, it offers the best, most up-to-date advice on writing about underrepresented and often misrepresented groups. Addressing such thorny questions as whether the words Black and White should be capitalized when referring to race and which pronouns to use for people who don't identify as male or female, the book helps readers navigate the minefield of names, terms, labels and colloquialisms that come with living in a diverse society.