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Engaged Scholarship: Conferences & Events: Home

Working with EngagedScholarship@CSU Conferences & Events

Using EngagedScholarship@CSU can help you to streamline your conference

The Conferences and Events feature in EngagedScholarship @ Cleveland State University is available for faculty and staff to organize small events or manage large conferences all in one central online location.  Your customized site can be used to collect paper submissions, manage peer review, post a schedule, and display images.


  • Promote your event online
  • Embed images, slideshows, and videos
  • Use online workflows to manage electronic paper submissions, peer review, permissions, and publications
  • Provide links to parking, hotel information, transportation services, and more
  • Publish the proceedings of your conference

You have editorial control of the site and the Library will provide the training and the support to make your conference a success.


Email or call 216-875-9734

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