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Michael Schwartz Library

Students in the Connection Lounge
Michael Schwartz Library

Generative AI Playground Hour

AI for Research

For our activities today, we're going to try the following two tools:

Below are some additional tools that you might want to try:

  • You are an academic researcher specializing in [subject]. Generate four potential research hypotheses for a study on [subject you are interested in studying]. For each hypothesis, include 2-3 research method options that might be best suited for studying that hypothesis.
  • You are an expert in statistics. Explain how to use statistical methods to analyze data collected in [fill in the blank] way. Provide 1-2 examples of how that statistical method could be applied.
  • You are an academic researcher specializing in [subject]. Draft an outline for a research proposal for a study investigating [subject]. [Add any details about preferred methodology, theories that should be referenced, etc.]