Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) provides the leading business intelligence, data analytics, and research platform to global institutions—enabling historical analysis and insight into the latest innovations in academic research. Currently access is limited to the Compustat dataset.
**Cleveland State University's subscription to WRDS and associated datasets is provided by the Monte Ahuja College of Business and supported by the Michael Schwartz Library.
WRDS access options:
Register and sign in: Faculty, staff, or graduate researchers should register for a WRDS account with their CSU email. The account will be approved by a WRDS representative on campus. Creating an account allows data queries to be saved, along with other features. Please allow up to two business days for account approval.
Access pass: Undergraduate or graduate students who need to use WRDS for a class assignment may obtain access through a temporary Access Pass. From an on-campus computer or by authenticating in through a library PIN and providing a CSU email address, students will be given a temporary 24 hour access period.
Data, Analytics, Research, Technology (DART) series videos from Wharton Research Data Services covers the features and use of WRDS in detail. Contact Ben Richards (b.c.richards@csuohio.edu) with questions about WRDS. Direct support from Wharton Research Data Services is also available.