Use these call number ranges to browse the shelves.
M55-M58 Double bass solo
M55 Other string instruments
M237-M238 Double bass and piano
M239 Other string instruments and piano
M286-M287 2 string instruments
M292-M297 Duets (at least one plucked instrument)
M310-M314 2 string instruments and piano
M310-M386 Trios with at least one string instrument
M349-M353 String trios
M410-M414 3 string instruments and piano
M410-M486 Quartets with at least one string instrument
M450-M454 String quartets
M510-M514 Quintets with at least one string instrument
M550-M554 String quintets
M1018 Double bass concertos (with orchestra)
M1019 Concertos for other string instruments with orchestra
M1118 Double bass concertos (with string orchestra)