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Michael Schwartz Library

ARB 475, REL 475, HIS 388, and WLC 375: The Qur'an: Language, History, and Religion

A guide for students doing research about the Qur'an.

The Qur'an: Language, History, and Religion

Welcome! The Qur'an: Language, History, and Religion

image of the Qur'an with prayer beads

This guide was created for students enrolled in ARB 475, REL 475, HIS 388, and WLC 375, and anyone else interested in learning about the Qur'an, and developing an appreciation for this sacred text. The resources highlighted here will help students explore the Qur'an from a multidisciplinary perspective.



You may also find the research guides listed below helpful.


Starting Your Research

Select a topic that interests you:
Start by choosing a topic that interests you and that you can cover in the time and space required for your project. 

Do preliminary searches:
Do a few searches in the Library Catalog or article databases before committing to a topic. You may find that you need to narrow or broaden your topic based on what you discover.

Read background information:
Take a few minutes to read about your topic in a specialized encyclopedia, dictionary or handbook. These sources will provide you with background information, as well as lists of other sources to get you started on your research.

Make a list of words that describe your topic:
Write your topic out as a short sentence or question and look at the different components that make up your statement.  From these components, start compiling a list of words, as well as synonyms that describe your topic. Use these words to search for your topic in the Library Catalog and in Article Databases.

Focus on scholarly sources:
Use primarily scholarly or peer-reviewed sources. Such sources are typically not freely available on the Web and cannot be found by searching Internet search engines like Google or Yahoo.

Keep a log of your search process:
Keep track of what sources and search terms "work" and which ones do not.

Cite as you go:
Even if you're not sure whether you will use a source, it's much easier to note the citation information up front than to decide you need it later! Consider using citation software, such as Mendeley or Zotero to keep track of the citations in your paper.