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Michael Schwartz Library

Open Software: Home


This guide is meant to provide the user with resources for a variety of projects. There is a wealth of high quality free and open software available, often times with similar functionality to more cost-prohibitive options. This guide is not attempting to make claims about these alternatives being higher quality than their alternatives, but only to provide them as option.

A Brief Word About Open...

Open-source software refers to software whose author's have made the source code available, and granted users the rights to distribute and edit freely, ie. an open license. Open-source does not translate to meaning free, but many open-source software projects are also free.

Alternatively, there are many free software available which do not have open licenses.

Learn more about open source software at

Other helpful software and tools


Please email me if you have a suggested software that you think others would find useful. We will consider it for addition to the list. Please, free or open source software or web tools only.

Email me at

Your personal librarian: Ben Richards

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Ben Richards
Michael Schwartz Library
(216) 687-2291