In the upper left-hand corner, you can see your library and groups and the folders beneath each. By clicking on the name of a folder, you can limit the references display in the center to just materials within that folder. To create a new folder, click Create Folder and type in its name. References can then be dragged and dropped into the folder.
In the lower left-hand corner is the filter, which allows you to filter resources in the main panel by Author's Keywords, Authors, My Tags, or Publications.
The right-hand panel of the screen displays details about the resources in your library, including all of the metadata attached to them (i.e. author, title, keywords, tags, year, abstract, etc.). You can easily add your own tags or keywords, or edit the metadata attached to the resource in this pane. This pane also has a Notes tab, and switching to it allows you to add your own notes to the resource.
You can easily change the order of the resources in your library by clicking on the relevant header. For example, to sort by date click on the Year header, or to sort by Author's last name click on the Authors header.
The icons next to the titles of your references indicate what kind of files they are.
PDF document
Microsoft Word file
If no icon is present, the reference is just a citation without a full-text document attached.
Clicking on the star next to a reference will mark it as a favorite. The green circle icon next to a reference indicates that it hasn't yet been opened. Clicking on the headers for these columns allows you to sort by favorites or by read/unread.