Identify your research topic or research question. Before you start looking for sources for your paper, take some time to brainstorm your KEYWORDS.
Think of synonyms and related terms, as well as broader terms and narrower terms. You will search on different keywords and combinations of terms to find information. Review your syllabus, assignment instructions, textbooks, and readings to identify search terms. Remember, you must address the three "E's" of sustainability: environment, economics, and equity!
Include keywords like planning, policy, policies, economy, economic, economics, environment, environmental justice, equality, equity, effects, effectiveness, impact, justice, alternatives, challenges, problems, solutions in your searches. For example:
Green jobs AND United States AND equity
Sustainability AND housing AND challenges
Sustainability AND transportation AND economy
Examples: climate change AND environmental justice sustainability AND college campuses |
OR |
Examples: global warming OR climate change sustainable OR sustainability |
Examples: Lake Erie NOT Ohio pollution NOT water
Try NESTING your search terms by using both AND & OR:
Sustainability AND (dormitories OR residence halls OR student housing) |
Green jobs AND (economy OR economic) |
Green space AND (design OR planning) |