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Michael Schwartz Library

Students in the Connection Lounge
Michael Schwartz Library

Are Library Science Programs Preparing New Librarians? Creating a Sustainable & Vibrant Librarian Community: Methodological Roots

Accompanying information for 2015 ACRL Poster


To collect data about mentoring programs in academic libraries, an online survey was be hosted via a secure link at® and distributed to various librarian list-servs. The participants for the survey were solicited through the alcts-announce list serv (the list service for the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services), the nrmt list-serv (for the American Libraries Association New Members Round Table), the rusa list-serv (for the Reference and User Services Association), the aasl-forum list-serv (for the American Association of School Librarians), and the ili list-serv (the Information Literacy list service for ALA).

In analysis of the open-ended survey question results, the researcher identified trends and descriptively coded them to identify larger themes. Each open-ended question was coded for its own set of codes, and larger themes were coded for in the open responses as a whole. For the quantitative data, the researchers used the report functions from Survey Monkey to create statistical graphs and charts, illuminating trends in the data.

Survey Questions

Survey Questions

  1. Do you currently live in the United States? y/n
  2. What do you identify as?
    • academic librarian
    • public librarian
    • archivist
    • school librarian
    • special libraries librarian
    • library school student
    • other
  3. Which of the following describes you?
    • library school student
    • new librarian (less than 5 years’ experience)
    • experienced librarian (more than 5 years’ experience) – will be directed to submit page
    • retired – will be directed to submit page
  4. What school did you (will you) earn your LIS degree from?
  5. Did you earn your degree online, in-person, mostly online, or mostly in person?
  6. Are you currently employed? y/n
  7. How long was your job search?
  8. Which of the following things did/does your LIS education require?
    • Significant research assignment
    • practicum
    • work in a library/archive/special collections
    • research methods course
    • instruction course
    • teaching assistantship
    • subject specific courses
    • variety of courses in diff. areas of librarianship
    • advisor
    • multiple advisors
    • mentor
    • job seeking help
    • academic support
    • opportunities to network with classmates
    • specification/track
  9. Which of the following things did/does your LIS education allow you to pursue?
    • Significant research assignment
    • practicum
    • work in a library/archive/special collections
    • research methods course
    • instruction course
    • teaching assistantship
    • subject specific courses
    • variety of courses in diff. areas of librarianship
    • advisor
    • multiple advisors
    • mentor
    • job seeking help
    • academic support
    • opportunities to network with classmates
    • specification/track
  10. What was most valuable about your LIS education?
  11. If applicable, after being employed as a librarian what do you feel was missing in the preparation your LIS education gave you?
  12. What have you done to make up for gaps in your LIS education, if any exist?
  13. Other comments/concerns.