To collect data about mentoring programs in academic libraries, an online survey was be hosted via a secure link at® and distributed to various librarian list-servs. The participants for the survey were solicited through the alcts-announce list serv (the list service for the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services), the nrmt list-serv (for the American Libraries Association New Members Round Table), the rusa list-serv (for the Reference and User Services Association), the aasl-forum list-serv (for the American Association of School Librarians), and the ili list-serv (the Information Literacy list service for ALA).
In analysis of the open-ended survey question results, the researcher identified trends and descriptively coded them to identify larger themes. Each open-ended question was coded for its own set of codes, and larger themes were coded for in the open responses as a whole. For the quantitative data, the researchers used the report functions from Survey Monkey to create statistical graphs and charts, illuminating trends in the data.
Survey Questions