Note: All logged in users may export up to 2000 images in a 120 day period.
What are the PERMITTED uses of ARTstor images?
What are the PROHIBITED uses?
*Some images can be used in publications. See Images for Academic Publishing
Please check all technical requirements before using this feature, including adding ARTstor as a trusted site or disabling popup blockers, and saving the file to an accessible location; you must also have PowerPoint 2007 or later to use the file.
Currently, the maximum number of images that can be downloaded to PPT at a time is 150.
Each image will appear on its own slide, with the image data in the notes field below each slide. As long as you are connected to the Internet when in presentation mode, each image will also be hyperlinked to take you directly to view the original image on the Detail page, allowing you to zoom, pan and launch fullscreen.