(This is a page originally put together as part of the Cleveland Digital Library in 1997 and updated sporadically ever since. Now it is being transferred to this Research Guide where it will be gradually edited and updated. All of the Cleveland State University resources that were listed here earlier have been removed, as they now appear in the Cleveland Memory Project)
1 - All Topics & Comprehensive Histories
2 - Architecture and Design
- Brunner, Arnold. Cleveland's Group Plan. 1916.
- Cigliano, Jan. "Euclid Avenue: Cleveland, Ohio." In The Grand American Avenue, 1850-1920. Jan Cigliano and Sarah Bradford Landau, eds. (San Francisco, CA: Pomegranate Artbooks). 1994. pp. 93-128.
- Cleveland Landmarks Commission. -- A listing of designated landmarks, historic architects and other useful information from City Planning.
- Frary, I.T., "The Residence of F.E. Drury, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio", Architectural Record, 38:6 (December, 1915) 601-614. [Republished in Google Books]
- Kolson, Kenneth. "Cleveland as City Beautiful." In Big Plans: The Allure and Folly of Urban Design. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press). 2001. pp. 49-64.
- Leedy, Walter C., Jr. "Cleveland's Struggle for Self-Identity: Aesthetics, Economics, and Politics." In Modern Architecture in America: Visions and Revisions. Richard Guy Wilson and Sidney K. Robinson, eds. (Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press). 1991. pp 74-105.
- Leedy, Walter D., Jr. "Henry Vaughan's Cleveland Commission: A Study of Patronage, Context, and Civic Responsibility." 1994.
3 - Civil Engineering (see also Real Estate: Surveying)
4 - Ethnicity, Immigration, Gender & Community
4.1 - All/Generally
4.2 - Specific Communities & Neighborhoods
5 - Industry & Commerce
6 - Journalism
- Northeast Ohio TV Memories. -- "a site for photos and memories of the people who worked in front and behind the cameras in Cleveland Area television since 1947."
- The Cleveland Jewish News. -- (On-line access to the CJN Archives, 1964-present, is in beta and will eventually be available by subscription)
- Cleveland Public Library. Cleveland Call & Post -- The Call & Post African American Newspaper, complete for 1934-1991, digitized, indexed and available for on-line keyword searching. Requires a local Greater Access Library account
- Cleveland Public Library. Plain Dealer On-Line -- Search the Plain Dealer on-line, 1845-1991. Terrific resource! Requires a local Greater Access Library account. If you don't have the right card, then you can use the PD's fee-based service. And you can also search the PD for the period since 1991.
- The John S. Knight Collection
- Ohio Historical Society Akron Daily Democrat, 1899-1902 -- One of the Ohio Newspaper Digitization Project products, demonstrating access to an important period in Akron History.
- Yahalom, Tali. "Pressing Charges: The Impact of the Sam Sheppard Trials on Courtroom Coverage and Criminal Law." - A University of Pennsylvania thesis about the Sheppard Trial.
7 - Real Estate
- Bureau of Land Management. "Official Federal Land Records Site." -- Of the three databases offered here, "Land Patents," "Survey Plats and Field Notes," and "Land Status Records," apparently only the first has any Ohio information.
- Green, Howard Whipple. "The Real Property Inventory", Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 29, No. 185, Supplement: Proceedings of the American Statistical Journal, March, 1934, pp. 105-110.
- Journal of the Cuyahoga County Archives -- two articles on their map holdings:
- Zangerle, John A. Principles of Land and Building Appraisals as Scientifically Applied in Cuyahoga County 1946-47.
- Case Western Reserve University Archives.Buildings and Grounds of Case, WRU and CWRU (1882-1949) 1884.
- Cleveland Landmarks Commission. Cleveland Architects Database. -- A listing of architects and master builders who have worked in Cleveland, from the 1820's until the 1930's
- Wikipedia.Ohio National Register of Historic Places listings in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
- Federal Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC) Maps. - Redline (mortgage discrimination) maps for Cuyahoga and other Ohio counties.
8 - Transportation
9 - Views & Visual Arts
10 - Social Networking
11 - Miscellaneous Topics