The Digital Design Studio on the 3rd floor of the library provides access to point and shoot cameras, video cameras, audio recorders, as well as other technology that can be loaned out.
The Mobile Campus location in the student center has laptops and tablets that can be loaned out.
Before you choose the technological platform for your multimodal projects, make sure to carefully consider your audience and your rhetorical goals. Your project doesn't have to be digital to be multimodal - posterboards, flyers, brochures, or handouts may serve your rhetorical goals. Keep in mind how your intended audience will view and use your final project. Where will they find it? How will they interact with it? Here are some questions to get you started in your decision:
(Adapted from Writer/Designer: A Guide to Making Multimodal Projects by Kristin Arola, Jennifer Shephard, & Cheryl E. Ball)