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Michael Schwartz Library

Students in the Connection Lounge
Michael Schwartz Library

COM 303: Communication Inquiry

Accessing Flipster

Flipster is a resource available at the Cleveland Public Library and Cuyahoga County Public Library that lets you view whole issues of popular magazines. You will need a library card to one of these libraries (or another library that uses Flipster) to access this resource. 

Cleveland Public Library Flipster page

Cuyahoga County Public Library Flipster Page

If you do not have a library card, you can apply for an online card. 

Cleveland Public Library Card 

Cuyahoga County Public Library Card


Flipster is easy to use! Just log in to the resource and then select the magazine you would like to view. It allows you to flip through the pages of the magazine. You can also access Flipster through a mobile app on a phone or tablet.

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