Meet W. Dennis Keating, author of Cleveland and the Civil War
The next event in the The Friends of the Michael Schwartz Library 2022/2023 Book Discussion Series is Wednesday, April 26th.
Friends of the Library book discussions are free and open to all CSU faculty, staff, and students and the general public. Join us!
Meet W. Dennis Keating, author of Cleveland and the Civil War
April 26, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
RT 502 and via Zoom. Please register here to receive updates.
CSU Emeritus Professor Dr. W. Dennis Keating, member and past president of the Cleveland Civil War Roundtable, creates a panoramic view of the city through one of the nation's most troubled times.
Book signing opportunity: Viking Outfitters will have copies of Cleveland and the Civil War available for sale at the event.
Contact Barbara Loomis at for more information.
Visit the Friends of the Library Events Page for details about the full series, and other Friends events
Connect with CSU Faculty
featuring Dr. Phil Wanyerka
CSU Department of World Languages, Literatures & Cultures
Presenting “13,000 Years of Native American History in Northeast Ohio”
Monday, October 14, 2024
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Rhodes Tower, Michael Schwartz Library,
Free and open to all CSU faculty, staff, and students and the general public.
The arrival of the first peoples to Northeast Ohio some 13,000 years ago marked the beginning of a long and enduring Native American presence. For over 150 years archaeologists have been studying the prehistory of Northeast Ohio in order to examine and investigate the native peoples who called this area home. Dr. Wanyerka has been investigating the ancient prehistory and cultural achievements of these prehistoric peoples for over 40 years. Please join us on Indigenous Peoples' Day for this fascinating illustrated lecture on the prehistory and archaeology of Northeast Ohio.
Join us for this free event on Indigenous Peoples' Day
Dr. Phil Wanyerka is a Senior College Lecturer and Director of Anthropology Program in the Department of World Languages, Literatures, & Culture here at Cleveland State University. Dr Wanyerka is a leading archaeologist who works in two different geographic regions: Mesoamerica and North America. Dr Wanyerka is a renown Mayan archaeologist and expert epigrapher who is an authority on the ancient prehistory of Southern Belize. In addition, Dr Wanyerka has spent more nearly 40 years conducting archaeological and geophysical investigations at numerous prehistoric and historic sites throughout the Woodlands of Eastern North America, specializing in the archaeology and prehistory of Northeast Ohio.
“Connect with CSU Faculty” is a pilot project initiated by the Friends of the Library to recognize the research of Cleveland State University faculty. This event is co-sponsored by the CSU Student Anthropology Association from the Department of World Languages, Literatures, & Culture in honor of Indigenous Peoples' Day.