Dr. Kelly Wrenhaven, a 2020 Textbook Affordability Grant winner and Associate Professor of Classics/Director of Classical Studies in the History department, has just published HIS 339: Greek Gods, Heroes, and Worship. This freely available open educational resource examines ancient Greek religion and considers its role in the contexts of Greek culture and thought. The estimated annual savings to students taking this course is $3,500.
Dr. Wrenhaven writes about what prompted her to create this resource:
"I’m developing my face-to-face course, HIS 337: Greek Gods, Heroes, and Worship, as a web course so I decided to redo the course from the ground up. While I ended up deciding to keep the primary source textbook (it’s extremely difficult to find such a good collection of primary sources online), I wanted the rest of the course material to be open access. This will provide me with the opportunity to make my material more dynamic. In addition to including written material, I can also include documentaries, images, and podcasts/recorded lectures as part of the course material, all in one easy-to-access place."
Congratulations, Dr. Wrenhaven - and thanks for caring about making education affordable!
MSL Academic Endeavors is the publishing imprint of the Michael Schwartz Library at Cleveland State University.
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