We're celebrating Open Access Week beginning October 21. Visit the Open Access information table in the Library all week for resources, free cookies, and more. Review the schedule of events and create your own itinerary. Here's how you can participate:
Apply for a Textbook Affordability Small Grant by October 31, 2019 and adopt or adapt an OpenStax book for your course.
Visit the Information Table on Wednesday, October 23 from 11:30 - 12:30 to ask Ben Richards, Business and Communication Librarian, about OpenStax--high quality, peer reviewed textbooks-- and decide if one of them is right for you course.
Ask the Experts about Scholarly Communications: Wednesday, October 23 from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm, in the Library, RT 502
Register for an ORCID account, Monday - Friday at the Reference Center, 1st floor of the Library. An ORCID account provides you with your own persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. An Reference Librarian or Consultant can help you register in minutes!
About Open Access Week
Now in its twelfth year, "Open Access Week" facilitates the growing movement toward increased discoverability, sharing, use, and preservation of information.
Academic and research communities are invited to learn how open access maximizes and promotes their work, provides stronger ownership for researchers and authors, and ultimately, has far reaching benefits for academia and society as a whole.