Textbook Affordability Summer Symposium 

affordable learning at Cleveland State UniversityCSU's OER (Open Educational Resources) Committee, with funding from the Provost's office, offered its first Textbook Affordability Summer Symposium (TASS) in August of 2020. The program was coordinated by librarians from the Michael Schwartz Library, as well as staff from the Center for eLearning, Center for Faculty Excellence, and the Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning.  Twenty faculty participated in the program, which required them to complete three Blackboard modules about open education, commit to using an OER (at least as an optional resource) in a future course, and create a short video about their experience to share with the campus community. In return, faculty received a $600 stipend.  Twelve of the 20 TASS participants decided to adopt an open textbook in place of a commercial textbook as a result of the symposium. 


The Provost's Office has agreed to support another summer symposium in May 2021, so stay tuned for details about the next symposium opportunity.