OE Week - Day 5


OE Week Day 4:
OpenCon Cleveland 2021
coming May 13-14


Our 4th annual OpenCon Cleveland, offered online this year, will continue to provide faculty, students, staff, and administrators with opportunities to connect and learn about open education! The conference is sure to inspire you and to provide lots of ideas for your open education efforts, as it has in the past.

Save the date for May 13-14th, and consider participating by submitting a lightning talk proposal! Submissions are due March 29th.

More information about the OpenCon 2021 Cleveland event can be found here:

About Lightning Talks

We welcome proposals for 5-10 minute lightning talk presentations, preferably related to the themes of open pedagogy, social justice, and supporting remote learning (although other topics are welcome). Accepted presenters will pre-record their lightning talk sessions and participate in asynchronous and synchronous discussions with attendees. All submissions are due on March 29th and decisions about accepted submissions will be communicated by April 6th. Proposals will be evaluated according to this lighting talk proposal rubric.

Please feel free to direct any questions to Mandi Goodsett at a.goodsett@csuohio.edu.

Lightning talk submission form