Cultural Encounters, Conflicts, and Resolutions: The Journal of Border Studies
Volume 4, Issue 1

EngagedScholarship @ Cleveland State University has just published Volume 4, Issue 1 of CultuCultural Encounters, Conflicts, and Resolutions: Tral Encounters, Conflicts, and Resolutions: The Journal of Border Studies.  Last year, Cleveland State University commemorated the 400 years since 20 Africans were brought by ship to Virginia, in late August of 1619 with a city-wide, year-long observation called Project 400.  The Project 400: Our Lived Experience conference took place from September 27-28, 2019 with the participation of many members of the community and presenters from across the country. This volume presents select articles from that conference and from CSU's 8th International Crossing Over Symposium.

The volume features an introduction by Guest Editor Ronnie A. Dunn, CSU's Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Professor in Urban Affairs, and articles from three of the speakers who presented their work during the Project 400 conference. Section two of this volume includes one article originally presented during CSU's 8th International Crossing Over Symposium from October 4-5, 2019. 


The main focus of Cultural Encounters, Conflicts, and Resolutions: The Journal of Border Studies is the analysis of physical and metaphorical borderlands—the encounters, conflicts, and resolutions between different groups in our society.  Its editors are Antonio Medina Rivera, Professor of Spanish and Chair, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures and Lee Wilberschied, Associate Professor Emerita, Spanish and Foreign/Second Language Acquisition.