Open Education week is an annual international celebration of the power of open education to improve student learning, faculty flexibility, and access toWe've saved CSU students over one million dollars education. We’re taking this opportunity to highlight some of our Affordability @ CSU initiatives! 

The Michael Schwartz Library, together with our CSU faculty and many other campus stakeholders have worked hard to make learning more affordable for students, and our efforts have paid off - literally!

If you’re curious about your CSU faculty colleagues’ experiences getting support to adopt affordable and/or openly-licensed course materials, you can hear some of their their thoughts in the video below.

Are you using Open Educational Resources or other free or library-licensed content in your class?
Have you taken other steps to reduce costs for students? We want to know about it! Let us know by filling out this quick form.

More information the Affordable Learning @ CSU initiative can be found at Thank you to all of our affordability advocates across campus, and happy Open Education Week!