Faculty and staff--Are you interested in trying our new technology in the classroom? Do you use digital methods in your research?Digial CSU

Students--Do you enjoy getting to use digital technology in your learning? Are you excited about learning new creative and digital skills?

Drop in during Digital CSU's Digital Expo on Thursday, September 26th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., on the 1st floor of the Michael Schwartz Library, located in Rhodes Tower. Come check out cool technology and software exhibited by passionate members of the CSU campus community, including virtual reality, citation tools, digital light boards, GIS mapping, and more!

RSVPs are encouraged!

Enjoy a snack, chat with exhibitors, and try out some new gadgets, apps, and software!

--by Ben Richards, Business and Communication Librarian


Digital CSU is a low-stakes environment to learn about digital methods in research & teaching across disciplines and colleges at Cleveland State University. It convenes once a month during the academic year. Digital CSU conveners: Melanie Gagich and Ben Richards. For more information about Digital CSU, including the monthly meeting schedule, visit http://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/digitalcsu/.
