STUDENTS & FACULTY: Your Librarians at CSU have quickly compiled a new Research Guide: Library Support for Online Teaching and Learning to let you know about the many ways we can help you NOW, including...
- Connecting from off-campus
- Finding materials for your courses, including pro tips for finding and navigating temporary free access being offered by many publishers
- Contacting Librarians with reference questions using phone, email, chat, or virtual reference via a number of streaming video platforms
- Online Library resources
- Access to news & magazines
Faculty, you'll also find
- Help requesting and designing a synchronous or asynchronous virtual library instruction session, using your choice of streaming platforms
- Copyright considerations when rapidly shifting your courses from in-person to online
Our ongoing priority is to support our users with the level of commitment you've come to expect.
We look to you - students and faculty - to tell us how we can help.