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Do You Love Data? Love Data Week is February 12th-16th!

posted by Donna Stewart on 2024-02-12T10:14:00-05:00 | 0 Comments


International Love Data Week is February twelfth through sixteenth. Raw data for research in the social sciences


Ah…February. Love is in the air…for data?

That’s right! It’s Love Data Week, hosted by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. ICPSR is a consortium of participating universities and an archive of social science datasets from around the world. It’s a trove of raw data for faculty and student research in the social sciences, and a gateway to learning about data and social science research. Tune into events put on by ICPSR and other participating institutions, take the opportunity to explore all that’s available in ICPSR, or even Adopt a Dataset!

Interested in seeing what some CSU faculty and students have done using ICPSR datasets? Explore the EngagedScholarship gallery highlighting research from our campus that utilized ICPSR. Contact Ben Richards to learn more!

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