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Eclipse-Related Reading

posted by Donna Stewart on 2024-04-04T11:32:00-04:00 | 0 Comments


Did you see the eclipse?  Want to know more?
Browse a few recent & featured titles

recommended by our Sciences and Engineering Librarian, Theresa Nawalaniec


Cover ArtTotality : the great North American eclipse of 2024 by Mark Littmann and Fred Espenak
ISBN: 9780198879091
Publication Date: 2024
A complete guide to the most stunning of celestial sights, a total eclipse of the Sun, this book features the eclipse of April 8, 2024 that passes across North America and provides amazing information, stunning photographs, and abundant illustrations to help the public understand and safely enjoy all aspects of solar eclipses


Cover Art

America's first eclipse chasers : stories of science, planet vulcan, quicksand, and the railroad boom by Thomas A. Hockey
ISBN: 9783031241246
Publication Date: 2023
In 2017, over 200 million Americans witnessed the spectacular total eclipse of the Sun, and the 2024 eclipse is expected to draw even larger crowds. In anticipation of this upcoming event, this book takes us back in history over 150 years, telling the story of the nation’s first ever eclipse chasers.

Our tale follows the chaotic journeys of scientists and amateur astronomers as they trekked across the western United States to view the rare phenomenon of a total solar eclipse. The fascinating story centers on the expeditions of the 1869 total eclipse, which took place during the turbulent age of the chimerical Planet Vulcan and Civil War Reconstruction.

The protagonists―a motley crew featuring astronomical giants like Simon Newcomb and pioneering female astronomers like Maria Mitchell―were met with unanticipated dangers, mission-threatening accidents, and eccentric characters only the West could produce. Theirs is a story of astronomical proportions. Along the way, we will make several stops across the booming US railroad network, traveling from viewing sites as familiar as Des Moines, Iowa, to ones as distant and strange as newly acquired Alaska. From equipment failures and botched preparations to quicksand and apocalyptic ‘comets’, welcome to the wild, western world of solar eclipses.
Cover ArtEclipse by Bryan Brewer
ISBN: 9780932898173
Publication Date: 2017
Written in preparation for the total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017, the third edition of ECLIPSE gives you all the information you need to prepare for an amazing experience of "total awe."Eclipse expert Bryan Brewer's enduring classic - now updated with maps and details for the 2017 event - takes you on a grand, full-color pictorial tour of the history and science of eclipses. Discover how these rare and dramatic celestial events have influenced culture throughout the ages, from Stonehenge and ancient Egypt to Shakespeare and Mark Twain. Follow the sagas of scientists who traveled the globe to glimpse precious minutes of totality to study our solar system. Learn the simple secrets of how eclipses occur, and why they continue to rivet the human imagination. This background lays the foundation for your breathtaking appreciation of this beautiful spectacle on the day of the eclipse. This generously illustrated, full-color book includes a complete viewing guide, with tips on selecting a location and knowing what to look for. Over the centuries, observers have described the delicate solar corona - visible only during a total solar eclipse - as a sublime and otherworldly sight. Few ever get the chance to experience totality, and those who do never forget it.
Cover ArtEclipse by John Banville
ISBN: 0375411291
Publication Date: 2001
In his first novel since The Untouchable, John Banville gives us the intensely emotional story of a man discovering for the first time who he has been and what he is becoming. Alexander Cleave—a famous actor who “took to the stage to give myself a cast of characters to inhabit who would be . . . of more weight and moment than I could ever hope to be”—faces the almost certain collapse of his thirty-year career. In physical and psychological retreat, he returns to his abandoned childhood home, believing that, away from his wife and daughter, away from the world at large, alone, without an audience of any kind, he might finally stop performing, catch himself in the act of living, and simply be. But the house is unexpectedly populated.
There are Cleave’s memories, which seem to rise up out of the house itself: of the years during his childhood when his mother took in boarders; of the beginnings, and the beginnings-of-the-end, of his career and his marria≥ of the course of his relationship with his now estranged daughter; and of his father, who committed suicide when Cleave was still a boy. There are the corporeal, but illicit, inhabitants of the house: the caretaker, an unsettling presence “with the ageless aspect of a wastrel son,” and the fifteen-year-old housekeeper, a “voluptuary of indolence.” And there are the apparitions (ghosts? premonitions? visitations?)—a woman, a child, and a third, ill-defined figure—who Cleave feels are “intricately involved in the problem of whatever it is that has gone wrong with me.” Struggling to determine what exactly has gone wrong, and to understand what part the apparitions play in his life and he in theirs, Cleave slowly comes to see the ways in which things and people—himself included—are not what they seem, and the ways in which, inevitably, they reveal what they are.
Brilliantly conjured and realized, Eclipse is John Banville at his unique best.
Cover ArtAstrotourism by Michael Marlin
ISBN: 9781637420676
Publication Date: 2021
This book explores the growth of the astrotourism, identifies star seeker trends, how the stars have shaped civilizations, and the budding space tourism industry.
In the span of a single lifetime, light pollution from Artificial Light At Night (ALAN) has severed our connection with the stars that we've had since the dawn of time. With the nocturnal biosphere significantly altered, light's anthropogenic influence has compelled millions of people to seek out the last remaining dark skies.
Cover ArtThe Beginner's Guide to Astro Photography: how to capture the cosmos with any camera by Mike Shaw
ISBN: 9781681989716
Publication Date: 2023
Now everyone can learn to take great pictures of the cosmos! The night sky is filled with immense beauty and mystery, and it's no wonder so many photographers want to learn how to take great photographs of all it contains: the moon, stars, planets, galaxies, and beyond. But for photographers just getting started photographing the cosmos, some books veer into "advanced" territory way too quickly, filled with difficult theory and long, expensive lists of "must-have" gear. If you're just starting your adventure in astrophotography, The Beginner's Guide to Astrophotography is the book for you!
Photographer Mike Shaw teaches you everything you need to know to capture great images of the night sky--without breaking the bank or needing an advanced physics degree. In this book, you'll quickly gain an understanding of the night sky, then dive into gear and settings. Regardless of the camera you own (smartphone, DSLR, or mirrorless), you'll be able to capture shots you love. You'll learn all about the gear you absolutely need (and what you don't) as well as the accessories that will make your astrophotography life easier. Then you'll dive into camera technique: exposure settings, focusing tricks, and composition techniques to get the shot. You'll also learn about the best apps for astronomy, weather, planning, and navigation.
Cover ArtTotal Solar Eclipses and How to Observe Them by Martin Mobberley
ISBN: 9780387698281
Publication Date: 2007
This is the ultimate, easy-to-read guide for eclipse-chasers. Eclipse chasers are now numbered in the tens of thousands. Every total solar eclipse sees dozens of cruise ships, each with about a thousand people on board, steaming along the track of the eclipse. Tens of thousands of observers travel to the eclipse track on land, to witness these rare astronomical events. There are some important eclipses coming up in the years ahead: in 2008 August across Siberia, and then through the Gobi Desert. In 2009, there is a 6 minute 38 second eclipse (very long) in China, south of Japan, and the Pacific Ocean. There will be two more big ones in the south Pacific in 2010 and 2012, then in 2017 there is a solar eclipse that will be visible right across the USA.
The technology available to amateur astronomers is improving fast. Recent additions are low-cost white-light solar binoculars, and the new generation of affordable H-Alpha telescopes. These can of course be used to view prominences without an eclipse taking place, and the book includes something of this too. This new book will in fact include everything an eclipse chaser needs. It will make it possible to prevent expensive equipment/set-up errors thousands of miles from home, and avoid problems that have to be fixed with only minutes to spare. It advises on the right equipment to buy for observing and for imaging digital only]. It provides eclipse virgins with a good feeling for what a trip abroad to an eclipse is like ? including a humorous look at all the things that can go wrong, and in previous expeditions, have. Travel details are included, essential in these days of high-security and when equipment has to becarried in a standard 20kg suitcase and 5kg cabin bag. And of course the first part of the book contains a wealth of information about solar eclipses: how and why they happen, the physics of the Sun and solar system, and what can be observed only during a total eclipse.
Cover ArtRacing the Moon's Shadow with Concorde 001 by Pierre Léna; Stephen Lyle (Translator)
ISBN: 9783319217291
Publication Date: 2015
This is the unique story of observing a total solar eclipse for no less than 74 consecutive minutes. On the summer morning of June 30, 1973, the Sun rises on the Canary Islands. But it is strangely indented by the Moon. The eclipse of the century has just begun. From the west, the lunar shadow rushes to the African coast at a velocity of over 2000 kilometers per hour. Astronomers on the ground will enjoy seven short minutes of total eclipse to study the solar corona - too short for Pierre Lena and seven scientists who board the Concorde 001 prototype, an extraordinary plane to become the first commercial supersonic aircraft. With André Turcat as chief pilot and a crew of five, at 17000 m altitude, the aircraft remains in the lunar shadow for 74 minutes, a record time of scientific observations not yet beaten and allowing for exceptional measurements.
Science, technology, aviation and history combine in the story of a unique human adventure aboard a legendary aircraft, illustrated with a rich and original iconography. It reflects the wonderful domains that science and technology can open, and the passion in the professions they offer. A must read for every eclipse chaser and fan of true scientific adventures. On the summer morning of June 30, 1973, the Sun rises on the Canary Islands. But it is strangely indented by the Moon. The eclipse of the century has just begun. From the west, the lunar shadow rushes to the African coast at a velocity of over 2000 kilometers per hour. Astronomers on the ground will enjoy seven short minutes of total eclipse to study the solar corona - too short for Pierre Lena and seven scientists who board the Concorde 001 prototype, an extraordinary plane to become the first commercial supersonic aircraft. With André Turcat as chief pilot and a crew of five, at 17000 m altitude, the aircraft remains in the lunar shadow for 74 minutes, a record time of scientific observations not yet beaten and allowing for exceptional measurements. Science, technology, aviation and history combine in the story of a unique human adventure aboard a legendary aircraft, illustrated with a rich and original iconography. It reflects the wonderful domains that science and technology can open, and the passion in the professions they offer. A must read for every eclipse chaser and fan of true scientific adventures.
Cover ArtYour Guide to the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse by Michael E. Bakich
ISBN: 9783319276328
Publication Date: 2016
In this book Astronomy Magazine editor Michael Bakich presents all the information you'll need to be ready for the total solar eclipse that will cross the United States on August 21, 2017. In this one resource you'll find out where the eclipse will occur, how to observe it safely, what you'll experience during the eclipse, the best equipment to choose, how to photograph the event, detailed weather forecasts for locations where the Moon's shadow will fall, and much more. 
Written in easy-to-understand language (and with a glossary for those few terms you may not be familiar with), this is the must-have reference for this unique occurrence. It's not a stretch to say that this eclipse will prove to be the most viewed sky event in history. That's why even now, more than a year before the eclipse, astronomy clubs, government agencies, cities -- even whole states -- are preparing for the unprecedented onslaught of visitors whose only desire is to experience darkness at midday. Bakich informs observers what anyone will need to observe, enjoy, and understand this event.

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