The extreme weather over the holiday break has resulted in extensive water damage in the library affecting floors 1-4.  We will be unable to open the building to students, faculty, and other visitors the week of January 3rd.  

However, we’re working to provide the service you’ve come to expect, via chat, text, phone, or Zoom.

  • Reference staff will provide virtual services via chat, Mon – Fri, 10 am to 5 pm. 
  • Librarians will provide virtual consultations for students and faculty.
  • We will still support the scheduled International Student Check-in Days and tours, although some changes will be necessary.
  • Our staff will be working all week to assess and when possible mitigate further damage to print materials and computers.
  • Our outdoor book drop is available for returns.
  • Questions?  Call (216) 687-2479, beginning Tuesday, January 3rd - or ask your personal librarian.


On Tuesday December 27th, a hot water pipe supplying hot water heat broke on the 4th floor, impacting our Special Collections below. We are still assessing the damage, but from what we can tell so far, and considering the magnitude of these collections, the portion affected is small, and the more valuable and irreplaceable collections (e.g. Cleveland Press print materials) are not affected. 

Early Wednesday December 28th, a second water pipe that is part of the steam heat burst in a carrel on the north side of the 3rd floor.  This was much worse, causing the most damage to the 2nd floor. The water also made its way to the 1st floor, affecting the library entrance and moving north beyond the User Services desk and traveling 3 -4 feet to the east and west. 

Provost Sridhar was on site on Thursday for a tour of the damage, FAST has been working 24/7 since the first pipe broke. Environmental Services has determined that there are no hazards, and FAST will continue to work on clean-up and repairs through January 6th. There are many ceiling tiles that need to be replaced. An outside company in scheduled to come in to tend to the second floor, where we fear many books have been damaged or lost.

We expect to reopen January 9th
We will continue to update this post during the recovery effort, so check back for current information about services and a definite opening date.