
Introducing LibKey and LibKey Nomad: for faster, easier access to full text

The Michael Schwartz Library has recently taken steps to enhance your online searching experience.  We have implemented a new service called LibKey that will help you get faster, easier access to full text from OneSearch and our EBSCO databases like Academic Search Complete.  As a part of this implementation, we are also providing a tool called Nomad.  This is a simple, easy-to-install browser extension for Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and other browsers that will give you fast access to full text articles when you are at Google Scholar, PubMed, or on publisher web sites. And if you are not on-campus, Nomad knows to send you to through our library authentication in order to get you to the articles you need.

You don't have to do anything to take advantage of improvements to OneSearch and EBSCO databases: they are already active.  To get started using Nomad, all you have to do is visit the Nomad download site and click on the icon for your web browser.  You'll be sent to the appropriate extension directory and can install it right on your browser.  Just remember to choose Cleveland State University as your home institution. 

by Brandon Walker, Systems and Knowledge-Bases Librarian