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Michael Schwartz Library

A Guide for SWK Faculty

Your Publications


EngagedScholarship@CSU promotes discovery, research, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and instruction by collecting, preserving and providing access to scholarly work created at CSU. The repository also provides access to journals, reports, conference proceedings, student scholarship, primary source materials, and relevant documents created by administrative offices, departments and programs. Members of the Cleveland State University academic community are invited to contribute completed scholarship for long-term preservation and worldwide electronic accessibility.

To learn more about EngagedScholarship@CSU:

Social Work Collections in EngagedScholarship@CSU
Contact Kathy Fisher for more information about submitting your work for inclusion in EngagedScholarship@CSU.

Additional tools:

Essential Databases

Click Choose Databases above the search entry boxes in one of the databases listed below to select multiple databases. Then limit to Peer Reviewed using the checkboxes on the left side of your search result list.
  • If full text is not available, follow the link to "Request via Interlibrary Loan." Complete the form and submit. The article will be emailed to you, usually within 24-48 hours. 
More databases:

Controlled Vocabulary

Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) are a controlled vocabulary of terms that describe medical conditions, procedures, interventions, etc. MeSH terms are assigned to content in biomedical literature databases (Medline, PubMed, etc.) to allow researchers to enhance keyword search strategy development. 

Find a Journal

Journal Impact Factors

Definition and Considerations:

An impact factor is a quantitative measure of the importance of a journal, article, or researcher (author) relative to others in the same discipline, based on how frequently it is cited. There are several indexes that measure impact factors, but they do not use the same methodologies. This means they produce slightly different results. Therefore, you should use these data carefully. There are some controversial aspects of using impact factors:

  • It's not clear whether the number of times a paper is cited measures its actual quality. Sometimes research is cited as a bad example of something.
  • Some impact factor calculations include citations in textbooks, handbooks, and reference books, while others do not.
  • Some disciplines have many subject-specific journals, while others have very few. One should only compare journals and researchers within the same discipline.
  • Review articles are cited more often and can skew results.
  • Self-citing can skew results.

Adapted from University of Washington Health Sciences Library guide on impact factors:

Citation Metrics and Impact Factor Resources: