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Michael Schwartz Library

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Michael Schwartz Library

A Guide for Music Therapy Graduate Students

Systematic Research Strategy

A thorough review of the literature includes:
  • Searching multiple databases
  • Using synonyms, related terms, and controlled vocabulary (e.g. MeSH terms/headings) in addition to your topic keywords
  • Searching concepts separately to reveal limiting variables
  • Combining concepts strategically to focus results without over-narrowing
  • Using database limiters/filters thoughtfully
  • Applying inclusion/exclusion criteria as you skim result lists 
  • Scheduling a research appointment to brainstorm search options with your Personal Librarian

Essential Databases


More Databases:

Search Tips

Productive and effective searching:

  • Start with one or two keywords 
    • Add terms with AND to narrow results (hypertension AND music)
    • If needed, combine synonyms with OR to include related terms (alzheimer's OR dementia)
  • Review results to brainstorm additional or alternate keyword options
  • Try multiple searches with different keywords and explore more than one database
  • Apply limiters thoughtfully
    • After seeing how productive your keywords are, limit by date range and English language
    • Other limiters to try:
      • Peer Reviewed (articles must be approved by other scholars before publication)
      • Other database-specific limit options (age range, type of study, etc.)
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