EngagedScholarship@CSU promotes discovery, research, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and instruction by collecting, preserving and providing access to scholarly work created at CSU. The repository also provides access to journals, reports, conference proceedings, student scholarship, primary source materials, and relevant documents created by administrative offices, departments and programs. Members of the Cleveland State University academic community are invited to contribute completed scholarship for long-term preservation and worldwide electronic accessibility.
To learn more about EngagedScholarship@CSU: https://researchguides.csuohio.edu/EngagedScholarship/faculty
Video tutorial from the National Library of Medicine (11 min.)
MeSH search in PubMed (interactive tutorial)
An impact factor is a quantitative measure of the importance of a journal, article, or researcher (author) relative to others in the same discipline, based on how frequently it is cited. There are several indexes that measure impact factors, but they do not use the same methodologies. This means they produce slightly different results. Therefore, you should use these data carefully. There are some controversial aspects of using impact factors:
Adapted from University of Washington Health Sciences Library guide on impact factors: https://guides.lib.uw.edu/hsl/impactfactors