Definition of Plagiarism--
"Stealing and/or using the ideas or writings of another in a paper or report and claiming them as your own. This includes but is not limited to the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the work of another person without full and clear acknowledgement." - CSU Code of Student Conduct
Be sure to always cite your sources for any ideas used in your paper that are not common knowledge. Also put quotation marks around direct quotes. For additional writing and citing help, check out the citation style guides on this page or make an appointment with the Writing Center at 216-687-6981.
Mendeley is a free reference management tool that allows you to generate citations, annotate and organize PDFs, and access your research sources across devices. Mendeley also includes a social element, through which you can discover new research ideas and collaborate with others.
Zotero is a free software tool that helps you manage your citations for research. It can be downloaded as a plugin for Mozilla Firefox, or as a standalone application with extensions for either the Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browsers. There is also the option to download a plugin for word processing software such as Microsoft Word.
If you use an image you did not create, you must provide a citation. Image citations can be formatted according to the citation style you are using.
Image citations should include the following information:
If you found the image in a book, you will also need the author, title, publisher information, date, page, and figure or plate number of the reproduction. If you found the image online, you will need an access date, the web site address (URL), and, in some cases, an image ID number.