A selection of 410 recorded oral history interviews chronicling African-American life during the age of legal segregation in the American South, from the 1890s to the 1950s.
A part of the Columbia River Basin Ethnic History Archive. Includes selected documents, reports, records, maps, photographs, newspapers, artifacts, and oral history interviews.
University of Mississippi. Includes a selection of digitized photographs, letters, diaries, and other documents. Oral history transcripts are also available, as well as finding aids for manuscript collections.
A digital archive of materials related to the book of the same name published by Robert Penn Warren in 1965. Includes interview Warren made on reel-to-reel tape.
A selection of 410 recorded oral history interviews chronicling African-American life during the age of legal segregation in the American South, from the 1890s to the 1950s.
A digital archive of materials related to the book of the same name published by Robert Penn Warren in 1965. Includes interview Warren made on reel-to-reel tape.
An independent research unit of Columbia College Chicago devoted to documentation, research, preservation, and dissemination of information about the history of black music on a global scale.