"Digital library of resources for the study of the ancient world. Covers the Archaic and Classical Greek world, with Latin text, Renaissance materials, and Papyri." --Librarian's Index to the Internet
Access through the Cleveland Public Library (see the CSU library's User Services Desk to get a CPL library card if a current student). EEBO is the first database listed.
Full texts of almost 1500 classic works on art, economics, history, law, literature, music, philosophy, political theory, religion, science, sociology, war and peace.
Enables simultaneous searching of major collections in university research institutes and museums, including: Arachne (Research Archive for Ancient Sculpture-Cologne); the Beazley Research Archive; the Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologicae Classicae; the German Archaeological Institute (DAI); and the LGPN (Lexicon of Greek Personal Names).
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is committed to making a broad range of digital images of artworks in the public domain widely and freely available for scholarly and academic publication. To assist in navigating the vast image content on this website, the Museum has implemented Open Access for Scholarly Content (OASC). Through OASC, artworks in the Collection section of the website which the Museum believes to be in the public domain and free of other known restrictions have been identified by an icon, and images associated with these artworks can be downloaded for license- and cost-free scholarly and academic publication, according to the Terms and Conditions.