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Michael Schwartz Library

Rock N Roll: A Guide for the Rock & Popular Music Program

This guide provides helpful resources for students enrolled in the new "Rock and Popular Music" program, also known as the B.A. in Music with a focus on Popular Music.

SCHOLAR Online Catalog

Live Performance Recordings

From the Library ...

Finding music in Scholar

Since many musical works have generic titles, such as concerto, symphony, sonata, etc., narrow your search in Scholar by using a keyword search with specific information.


1. Search as keywords: Hindemith sonata violin op 11

This will retrieve scores and sound recordings of Hindemith's Sonata for violin and piano, op. 11, no. 2. The piece may be a score, in an anthology of recorded pieces or one of several pieces on a recording.

2. Using the same search string in the Advanced Search Icon button, limit your search to "music record" in the "Material Type", this retrieves the recordings of Hindemith's Sonata for violine and piano, op. 11, no. 2.

3. To search and gather all the scores and recordings of a composer, search as Author, using the composer's full name, such as, Hindemith, Paul. This search will retrieve all items where Paul Hindemith is the author/composer (scores, recordings, books). The results are ordered by title and provides alternate forms of the title, which lead to the title used in the catalog.