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ARB 335 / WLC 235: Arab Films

The resources highlighted in this guide will assist students interested in the study of Arab cinema / films, the Arab film industry and film as a vehicle for the exploration of Arab history and cultural identity.

Selecting a Topic

notebook and penWhat interests you? Which readings and films did you find intriguing? Are you fascinated by a particular country, or was there a specific film that you really enjoyed? 

Identifying your interests will create a focal point for your paper, and working with a topic you want to know more about will make the research and writing easier. 


Identify Search Terms

Your first writing assignments focuses on the development of the film industry in a Arabic Country. 

In another assignment, you will analyze an Arab feature film.

list if search termslist of search terms


Search Terms

Create Search Statements

Use "AND" to connect ideas that represent the topics you are researching.

Use "OR" to connect synonyms. 

Women AND motion pictures AND Egypt

Feminism AND Arab AND (film OR motion pictures)

Jordan AND cinema AND history

Malih AND "The Extras" OR al-Kumars)

Arab countries AND film industry

Discover Subject Terms

Begin with a key word search in Scholar or OhioLINK online catalogs, and the selected research databases.

TIP: When you find books and articles relevant to your topic, take a look at the full record where it says "subjects" or "author-supplied keywords" to get ideas for new search terms.