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Michael Schwartz Library

First Year Experience @ CSU: Transitioning to College

Resources, services and tips for first year students.


What to Bring to College


  1. LEARN TIME MANAGEMENT. Your newfound freedom comes with the responsibility of balancing school with work and extra-curricular activities.

  2. UTILIZE COLLEGE RESOURCES. The library, writing center, and tutoring center are just a few of the many resources available to you during your time at CSU – take advantage of them!

  3. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. College can be stressful, but you don’t need to fall victim to the “Freshman 15”. Be sure to get plenty of sleep, eat right, and stay active. Make your health a priority.

  4. GET TO KNOW YOUR PROFESSORS. Tap into their wealth of knowledge to excel in their class. Professors with whom you build a relationship over time also make for great references.

  5. GET A JOB. Having a job while in school encourages time management and you’ll enjoy the extra income. Once you have a job, take it seriously and do your best – you will appreciate having the references when you graduate!