Books in the Michael Schwartz Library are arranged on the shelves according to the Library of Congress (LC) classification system. When searching for a book in Scholar, the LC call number can be found in the location portion of the record. Below is a list of LC Call numbers in order:
Engineering books are located on the 4th floor of the library starting with the call number TA:
Subclass TA - Engineering (General). Civil engineering
Subclass TC - Hydraulic engineering. Ocean engineering
Subclass TD - Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
Subclass TE - Highway engineering. Roads and pavements
Subclass TF - Railroad engineering and operation
Subclass TG - Bridge engineering
Subclass TH - Building construction
Subclass TJ - Mechanical engineering and machinery
Subclass TK - Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering
Subclass TL - Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics
Subclass TN - Mining engineering. Metallurgy
Subclass TP - Chemical technology
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