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Michael Schwartz Library

REL 498 - Senior Seminar in Religious Studies

A research guide for Dr. Matt Jackson-McCabe's independent study class

Obtaining Theses and Dissertations

-Theses of CSU students can be located in Scholar and many are available online.  Print theses are located on the first floor of the Library. Some CSU dissertations are also available online. Print dissertations are cataloged as books and interfiled with the other chemistry books on the fourth floor of the Library.  To search Scholar for theses and dissertations, click on the "limit/sort search" button and then choose "Thesis (PHD,M) in the drop-down menu next to "Material Type." 

-For online theses and dissertations from other Ohio universities, use the ETDC database.

-Proquest Dissertations & Theses (North America and Europe) provides only the first 26 or so pages of the paper.  To obtain the full text (in print format), make an Interlibrary Loan request.

Theses and Dissertation Databases