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Michael Schwartz Library

ARB 480 / WLC 380: Major Genres and Figures in Arabic Literature

A guide for students conducting research in ARB 480 / WLC 380.

Scholar Online Catalog


Search the library's collection of books, e-books, videos, and more.

TIP: Qur'an and Koran are both used as a subject in the online catalogs. You will want to search using both spellings.

OhioLINK Central Catalog

The OhioLINK Central Catalog allows you to find and borrow books, video and audio recordings from 88 Ohio colleges and universities. 

  1. Search Scholar Online Catalog to see if the Schwartz Library has the item.
  2. If the search results indicate that the Schwartz Library does not have the item you need, or that the item is unavailable, click the green button labeled "OhioLINK" to check statewide holdings and availability.
  3. Once you locate an item you want, you may request it;  requested items will arrive at the designated pick up location in 3 to 5 business days.

Search Tips

Your words matter!

To find relevant sources for a topic, you need to figure out the best search terms to use, and how to combine them.

The online catalogs (Scholar and OhioLINK) use controlled vocabulary which frequently does not match the natural language used by the average person. It is a researchers job to discover the best terms to use. 

1. Brainstorm KEYWORDS:  Take 10 - 20 minutes and write down all the words you can think of that are related to your topic. 

word cloud of serch terms

2. Create a search statement. Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) in your search statement.

Islam AND history (both words must be on the item record)

Islam AND histor* (* retrieves history, historical, historiography, etc.) 

Qur'an OR Quran OR Koran (retrieves all 3 variations in spelling) 

interpretation AND (Qur'an OR Koran) (nesting) 

3.  Advanced Search Icon  allows you to limit your search to "Material Type," "date range," etc.

example of an advanced search in Scholar online catalog

3. Discover the controlled vocabulary being used for subjects. You can then use these words in your own searches, or search by subject.